Dolphy and friends

for all the shitty shows on this fucking planet dolphy and friends must be the most cheaply made show in fucking history.
the chariters are not even creative not at all. the chariters were just costumes that acctually exist and they liked the fucking costume looks so they made a whole damn show (its quite cheap).
the peoples company that made the show was named dat_penis_is_watching.(how is that a childrens company).
so I know abouts the show cause meh friend watched it and recorded it and died from aids. so now this is the shitty show. i did some reaserch on penguins and it said the company and about the show. the wiki of dolphy and friends is a website with bunchie running with the jurrasic park music. oh and it was made 2074. and theres 7 episodes before the series ending.
the chariters-dolphy the dolphin costume with some microscoft paint edit to not show the face of the person in the costume, turty the turtle costume, and sharky the shark costume.
episode 1 driver dolphy-so dolphy was walking down the street with sharky and turty and there was a grumpy shit person that pushed sharky. sharky got so mad and ran to the person and punched him in the face and ate his leg off. the guys leg gushed stupid blood and sharky was so happy cause sharks like blood. sharky started drinking it and dolphy started fapping then hit sharky with a baseball bat.
sharky laid on the floor knocked out and dolphy killed the person by continuely hitting the guy to death.
dolphy got on a bus to his drivers test and dolphy was eating a shoe on the bus. and some person took his shoe back and dolphy flipped the guy and ate his testicals.
dolphy then sit on his seat eating the guys bow tie. the bus driver quickly stopped the bus and dolphy cussed the guy out to continue driving or he was going to eat THE GUYS testicals. the guy continued driving and crashed into a car by accident. dolphy yelled shit!. everybody looked at him aand dolphy yelled what the fuck are you gay wads looking at!!!. dolphy threw turty out the window and turty shit on a small child.
it then showed dolphy riding a bike to the drivers school. the teacher was dissapointed cause he was late. the teacher was a whale costume (oh wow...) and the teacher said why are you late?. she said it in a dissapointed voice. and dolphy yelled shut the fuck up whore!. 
dolphy slapped the teacher with his cock and got in a car.
so the teacher got in the car with dolphy and dolphy chocked the teacher and killed her. dolphy then smoked a ciggerate and crashed the car into the school and ran over all the kids on purpose. dolphy then jumped out of the car and landed on the floor. dolphy then farted and mexicans came and sang.
the end.
episode 2 camp fire-sharky was singing a song and turty pushed sharky in the fire in 5 seconds. dolphy then yelled pillow fight and wapped turty in the fire as well. dolphy then was twerking and then shitted in the fire. and a giant rock smashed dolphy.
the end
episode 3 hello-dolphy said hello. and sharky said hi. and dolphy ate pie.
the end
episode 4 bed time-sharky laid in bed. and turty went to bed. and dolphy was on the couch being a fat drunk like he is. dolphy was drinking vodka and whiskey. dolphy then vomited on the tabel. it then showed a porno on TV. It was a guy fucking a girl in a horse mask. dolphy was then wearing a horse mask and he looked at the camera and said deal with it. it then showed a picture of dolphy with vodka in his hand with turty vomitting in the background and sharky in a pigeon mask dancing.
it was the next day and dolphy woke up on the floor. and there was a complete naked girl non cencered. greeting dolphy saying they had sex last night.dolphy then put the girl in a garbage bag and putted her in a garbage can and the dump truck came.
i got a strange boner... .dolphy then went into the room and smaked turty with shit. turty slapped dolphy and dolphy took it way to far and shoved a katana up turtys butt hole. blood came out of turtys mouth and turtys eyes turned red and turty died. dolphy was then laughing so hard that he somehow flew out of the room. dolphy then saw sharkys head on the floor. dolphy started laughing his ass off and he then exploded in confetti.
episode 5 foot ball-dolphy,sharky and turty were walking down the street and dolphy randomley smacked shark in the face. shark pushed dolphy and dolphy kicked sharkys balls. sharky was in pain screaming. dolphy then kicked a 3 year old in the air and then dolphy ate dirt.
it then showed a foot ball place and dolphy was on a morticycle and he ran over turty. turty was on the floor in pain while sharky laughed. dolphy backed up and ran over turty again and then sharky.
it then showed dolphy kicking the desk and the person walked up to dolphy and dolphy flicked the guy off. the person said whoa!!!..what!!!. dolphy threw the bell at the wall and screamed sine me up in the ball game.
the guy said is your friends there. and dolphy said fuck yeah!!!. and turty said i don't want to. and sharky said me neither. and dolphy yelled to bad!!!. he then slapped sharky with shit. and the guy said ok you can be a mascot since you have a costume.
dolphy yelled no!!!...fuck no!!!...this is not even a costume its are actual bodys!!!. and the guy said ok geez...what team?
.dolphy yelled i don't fucking know!!! pick one!!! little shit!!!. the guy said dude calm down. dolphy said shut the fuck... up!!!. and the guy said and your friends will be on the bulldogs team. dolphy looked dissapointed and dolphy shot the guy with a pistol in the head.
turty yelled dude you didn't has to do that!!!. dolphy yelled yes i did!!!. and dolphy shot turtys foot. turty jumped on 1 foot in pain while blood gashed from the other one.
it then showed dolphy and friends at the feild and dolphy was hitting one of his team members with a base ball bat and blood was all over it. shark licked it off but dolphy hit him with the base ball bat. sharkys jaw flew out of his face and sharky died.
turty was speechless and was shocked. dolphy said yeah say something i dare you!!!. and there was not one person in the stands. the coach said don't beat up your allies. and dolphy hit the coach in the face with the bat.
the boss then said ok go!. and dolphy hit everybody with a bat and then got a AK 47. everybody else got one to. and dolphy said time for a blood bath. everybody was shooting and hitting each other and they completeley forgot about the game and guts,bones,blood and body parts flew in the sky. it put a close up of a guy ripped open and screaming. some guy got a gernade and pulled the trigger and in 5 seconds the whole thing exploded. it then went to static and showed dolphy eating everybody and dolphy then turned into a butterfly.
episode 6 dolphy the pilot-so dolphy,turty and sharky had bags and they were getting on a plane. turty said i don't wanna go to afganastan! and sharky yelled me neither!!!. dolphy pulled a shot gun and said yes we are and your gonna like it. and turty iruppted no where not!!!!.
a guy said hay you can't has a gun on a plane. dolphy shot the guy and the guy died. dolphy laughed and it then showed everybody on the plane. and the captain said oh no a space monster....don't worry meh penis scared him or her away.
the plane then got in the sky and dolphy hit turty with a computer. sharky said fuck this. and sharky jumped off the plane and died. dolphy said that sounds like fun. turty said yeah but it will kill us. and dolphy laughed and said sharky forgot his para shoot. turty said its not funny.
dolphy said oh para shoot that reminds me of plane shootings. turty yelled oh shit!.
dolphy got his shot gun and shot everything and the plane was going down. dolphy yelled shit!.
turty got a saftey bag and dolphy shot turty in the head. dolphy got a para shoot and yelled fuck no i'm not dying!!!. dolphy jumped off the plane and laned in the ocean. a shark came and said wait your a dolphin...oh i'm going to get a human ok.
dolphy said ok go fuck off!!!. the shark swam away and dolphy shot the shark in the head. the plane crashed in th ocean and watter got all over dolphy. dolphy said i can acctually live down here i'm a fucking dolphin. people swam out of the plane and dolphy yelled ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. dolphy shot everybody in the plane and everybody died.
it was then night and dolphy came out of the watter and sleeped in the sunken plane. the end.
episode 7 (the last one) beach dolphy-dolphy and his friends (dolphys a horrible friend) and they rode there car in the ocean and the beach running over people and the life gard. dolphys teacher was chasing them yelling wait you don't have your licence!!!. dolphy backed up on the teacher smashing her.
the teacher was dead. dolphy and his friends were drunk and they jumped out of the car and the car was still running. dolphy yelled wwwwwwoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!. and dolphy threw a vodka bottle at sharky.
it then shows them fishing on there car thats in the ocean and they pulled up a hooked baby. dolphy laughed and fell in the watter. sharky was then dancing with a girl shark and the girls sharks head got blown off.
and it showed dolphy with his shot gun smiling.
it then showed them surfing and a shark ate turty. dolphy laughed as sharky drank the blood. dolphy then shot sharky in the head and dolphy laughed and fell off the board and got sucked in a world poop (world pool).
dolphy then got sunk in there and didn't drown since he's a dolphin.
dolphy was then shitting in the sand and said theres meh shit castle. dolphy then laughed like it was the funniest shit in the world. (get it). the life gaurd said clean that up. dolphy yelled fuck no!!!. dolphy then pushed the life gaiurd thing over and the thing fell on a person. dolphy was then laughing his ass off. it then showed somebody drowning. and dolphy laughed so hard he was crying.
the life gaurd rescued the kid. and dolphy quickly stopped laughing and dolphy snapped the life gaurds neck and punched the kid in the face.
it then went to static and it was night and dolphy was swiming in the watter like episode 6 and the megladon ate dolphy. the end.
i was in extreme laughter after seeing that and wished they didn't put it on nickalodeon so they could of made more episodes.
what happened after that-nickalodeon quickly stopped the shows serries and the company killed everybody in nickalodeon and bombed the place and they got in jail forever.
dat_penis_is_watching then broke out of jail and got hired at cartoon network and they made a show called grizzly bear and black bear. and it got removed obviousley and it was also racist. so dat_penis_is_watching bombed that place and got killed by slenderman.
feel free to make grizzly bear and black bear if you want to.